When the Merlion Returned Home
20 min musical
4 actors
When the Merlion Returned Home is a short music written for the 2016 Singapore Literature Festival. It follows the lives of 4 Singaporeans after their beloved country has sunk to the bottom of the South China Sea. The musical was performed by Marcus Yi, Jeane Reveendran, Chih Heng Liao and Zoe Lau. Music was performed by Dong Liu, and Viola Wang. The piece was also co-directed by Sonia Nam.
4 actors
When the Merlion Returned Home is a short music written for the 2016 Singapore Literature Festival. It follows the lives of 4 Singaporeans after their beloved country has sunk to the bottom of the South China Sea. The musical was performed by Marcus Yi, Jeane Reveendran, Chih Heng Liao and Zoe Lau. Music was performed by Dong Liu, and Viola Wang. The piece was also co-directed by Sonia Nam.